Phrasebox - Logic Pro X MIDI AU Support
Wednesday, 26th February 2020

It's here! We've added AU MIDI FX support for Logic Pro X to Phrasebox. You can now run Phrasebox in Logic by adding it in a MIDI FX slot above your instrument.
Along with Logic support, we've overhauled the piano roll adding multiple note selections. By holding shift, you can drag a selection box, or add notes to the selection. All selected notes can then be moved, resized, and have modifiers such as velocity, adjusted together. We've also added keyboard shortcuts for selecting all notes (a) and deleting selected notes (backspace/delete). In the right click menu, you can now select different fill patterns, with different note lengths and spacings.
We've also fixed some bugs that have popped up in rare cases - mainly timing issues, Linux tweaks, and GUI improvements.
You can grab the update for free from the Phrasebox page.